Irena Fedorencikiene Head of Brand & Customer Insights

contact name: Irena Fedorencikiene
contact job function details: brand customer insights
contact job function:

contact job title: Head of Brand & Customer Insights

contact job seniority: head

contact person city: Amsterdam

contact person state: Noord-Holland

contact person country: Netherlands

contact person zip code: 1077

business name: Philips

business domain:

business facebook URL:

business linkedin:

business twitter:

business website:

uae telegram number database 10,000 package

business angellist:

business found year: 1891

business city: Amsterdam

business zip code: 1096

business state: Noord-Holland

business country: Netherlands

business language: English

business employee: 46790

is a business priented

business category: hospital & health care

business specialty: pregnancy, medical devices, healthtech, health systems, fertility, healthcare, respiratory, cardiology, oncology, hospital & health care

business technology: akamai,omniture_adobe,brightcove,jquery_2_1_1,adobe_cq,azure

business description: Philips Lighting is a global market leader with recognized expertise in the development, manufacturing & application of innovative (LED) lighting solutions.



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