The 10 biggest mistakes you can make in Google Ads this year

Like everything around us, Google Ads is constantly evolving and evolving at a rapid pace. Many marketers don’t even have time to register the changes, let alone apply them to their campaign management. Find out what mistakes PPC managers make the most and avoid them if you want to be successful in 2025.

 Inconsistent conversion tracking

Conversion tracking data is usually the key to deciding on the next steps for optimization. If your metrics aren’t consistent over time, all the data in your account is skewed and practically useless.

If your conversions have different recognition methods, conversion windows, or counting types, the information in your account may not be consistent. At that point, the value of any measured click is no longer entirely clear.

Sometimes you may be able to “manage” to reset your conversion tracking at the campaign level so that the data is accurate but appears inconsistent across your account. However, this is a rare occurrence.

Ensure consistent measurement and evaluation from conversion tracking.

Not using exact match

Google is increasingly pushing broad match. There are interface changes to make broad match the primary match type, and even new settings with all keywords in broad match.

The use of exact match is decreasing, but it still generates the highest conversion rate for the vast majority of accounts and has versatile uses.

Don’t ignore the benefits of exact match and include it among your keyword matches.

 Losing control over settings

Creating large marketing campaigns is a long process and can take years. In such cases, marketers forget to consistently check previous settings and the campaign loses consistency and sometimes even meaning.

If you look at all your long-term campaign data and see a jumble of different bidding strategies, exclusions, and unrelated ad planning, it’s time to take action.

Perform a comprehensive account audit and adjust the correct campaign settings based on it.

 Overestimating the power of advertising

Ad strength is a metric that assesses the content of an ad against Google’s best practices. The stronger the ad, the more control Google has over its delivery. The weaker the ad, the more control it has over its content.

However, there are studies proving brazil mobile database that high-power ads do not achieve the same conversion rates as low-power ads.

Don’t overestimate the power of advertising, which doesn’t directly impact your Quality Score. This number doesn’t have to worry you.

 Not adding the most searched terms to your keywords

Your ad can appear if the keyword matches the user’s search query. Match types have loosened up considerably over the past few years, and if you don’t have an exact keyword or phrase that matches the search query, you’ll end up showing ads for the same query on multiple keywords.

If these keywords are in multiple ad groups using different landing pages and ads, your marketing becomes fragmented. And if you don’t have the search term as a keyword at all, the top-performing campaigns will start to overwhelm your search campaigns.

However, these generally achieve our tip: simply subscribe to our blog lower click-through rates (CTR) and conversion rates, which can be detrimental to your campaign.

Include the most searched terms and phrases in your keyword list to lead searchers to the right ad, ad group, and landing page.

 Using broad match without target CPA and ROAS

Broad match keywords can benefit your campaign account, but only if you adapt your bidding strategy to it. With the maximum performance setting for sales or conversions, Google will start trying to get the highest sales or conversions possible, no matter how much you pay for it.

When setting a specific goal, search cpa email list engines strive to achieve it, which in the case of loose matches displayed for various search queries brings positive results. While in the case of maximum bids, the effect is often disastrous.

Before making changes to your bidding strategies, research and evaluate different match types.

Old negative keyword lists

Have you been using negative keyword lists for a long time without regularly checking and refreshing them? You can block newly The 10 biggest mistakes added keywords that remained in the negative list but are now relevant again from appearing.

Negative keyword lists are easy to forget, and some of them are even years old. But time moves on quickly, and with it, products, companies, services, and most importantly, the needs of users and potential customers themselves change.


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