The objective is to configure a team of professionals who achieve. The objectives set by the company based on the corporate culture at the lowest possible cost. And The Influence process also seems quite simple. At least from the classic human resources selection model.
The Influence first step is to publish job
Offers to recruit. An adequate base of candidates and use the best methods to assess. The behaviors, skills and motivations of these candidates based on the positions and their functions.
And whether a multinational innovation company is executive email list looking for professionals. With high technological qualifications, or a small company is looking for a receptionist. It is essential to use evidence-based selection procedures to cover the needs of the company but also to satisfy the motivations of their professionals.
This double objective
Of any recruitment and selection method, addressing the interests of both the organization and its workers, forces both directors and managers and those responsible for human EK Leads resources to also be governed by ethical principles and the growth of people, which must coexist with the need for growth of the company.
In summary, it could be said that a fair human resources and people selection policy must be based on the well-known poem by Gloria Fuertes: