ICEMD the innovation institute of ESIC talks about the evolution

ICEMD , ESIC ‘s Innovation Institute. Has brought together leaders from different sectors at the ” Innovation Summit 2022. Web3: Own the Internet ” to discuss the evolution of the digital economy through Web3. Web3 is the third generation of Internet services for pages and applications. It focuses on transactional capabilities that will foster interaction and collaboration between humans and machines and its main objective is to allow the user to take full control of their online actions through the use of technologies such as blockchain and its capacity for decentralization, AI, web semantics, etc.

Enrique Benayas general director at ICEMD

and Felipe Llano, general director at category email list ESIC Business & Marketing School; Jesús Serrano. Principal Program Manager at Microsoft. Has stressed that Web3 “will be the next evolution of the Internet, in which we will go from connecting to large networks and services managed by centralized entities to a completely decentralized model based on blockchain technology. With a fully functional economy based on tokens that will allow us to connect to networks and services distributed in nodes. Although there is a perception that Web3 is just Crypto. Nothing could be further from the truth. The token-based economy is, without a doubt. A pillar of Web3, but it goes much further in redefining current scenarios in social networks.

We are only scratching the surface of what can be achieved

with Web3 and, as in all technological EK Leads evolutions. We are not yet aware of its full potential,” Serrano concluded . Next, María Albalá. Director of the ICEMD Innovation Hub, presented the Innovation Series: «Web3: The evolution of the Internet. Experience. Market and business in Web3″ , the most detailed report on the subject that has been prepared to date in Spanish. With the main characteristics of Web3, its evolution, trends and real applications of this innovation. « Web3 is the application of a series of technologies. Which are already used in other areas, to the web. These will often be transparent to users. However, they will allow the creation of new products and services, as well as providing greater privacy and control over data.

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