This option doesn’t have much to say

This way, you can add it to your list of potential customers and provide a more complete user documentation. Hosting How to create form in – Create “ ” form is very simple. You only need to follow the following steps: Create form: For this, you must go to “ capture”>“ form”. Select Subscriber List: In the next step, you must select the list of potential customers that you want to add through the feature.

Depending on the type of business you

Add Name and Sender: You can add an internal name to the form along with the associated phone    special data  number through which you will receive communications from the website. Edit Form: At this point you can add the following information: Title: The Text field that users will see at the top of the form: By default, the form adds a name and a phone, but you can add – additional fields, or even additional personalized fields, as pre-designed.

have you may be interested in asking

Below I show you more details about the existing fields. Sign up button: You can customize the text that appears on the button to start the conversation. Icon Location: You can determine where the icon appears on the website when closed, i.e. on the left or right side of the screen. Tag contacts: After customizing   EK Leads  the form, it is best to tag users so that you can identify them in the subscriber list. Show chat conditions: Use this option to configure the display conditions for chat icons on your website:

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