Among others.” (p. 435) in the same way as with the noun “thing”, a few verbs are often us abusively. Among the trunk verbs we can especially mention “do”, “have”, “put” . Some of the most common sentences are: “ He made a building in a few days” (built), “ He made a poem in a few hours” (compos), “The violinist made classical music” (perform, perform, compos), “ He has the money in the bank” (save, deposit), “ Put your address here” (write, write down), “ He was successful thanks to his efforts” (reach, achiev), “He still has the tie that I gave him” (keeps, keeps , uses).
Them a Book Reading
In economic terms, it could be said that the use of these portmanteau words implies a lower investment for the speaker, but at the same time generates a lower return . The speaker’s lack of lexical knowlge in some cases or his unwillingness to use terms business lead that he knows, leads him to repeat a few words, use portmanteau words, and make little use of synonyms. To try to solve these problems, it is advisable to perform exercises in which a word trunk must be replac by a term that is appropriate to the context , which involves searching for and learning more precise expressions.
Understood at Its Basic and
This type of exercise leads the person to complete a task that benefits them in many aspects: it makes them more accurate, allows them to establish equivalences, promotes their creativity, develops their critical EK Leads sense and much more. Therefore, anyone who has acquir . A good number of terms and structures and uses them is in a suitable. Position to achieve success in studies and professional activity.Imagine for a moment devouring. Or sitting at the table to share a dinner that is… compress in a capsule.